Past Webinars for Purchase


Past Webinars for Purchase by Category
Miss a webinar? Search our recent webinar topics here.

Click links below to view our recent webinars.  Select webinars are available free to our free to members in the members resource library.  Additional webinars offered during the COVID-19 crisis were offered free to members and non-members here.

Pursuing your J. Lindsey Wolf CAPIO Certificate in Communications?  Keep track of your credits by viewing your CE credits in your membership profile or listing them on the tracking form found on the certificate.

Strategic Communications

Winning Strategies for Developing a Public Outreach Campaign with Lasting Impact (2023)

Developing and Implementing Effective Communications Plans that Move the Needle (2022)

Creating a successful communications strategy starting with research (2022)

The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer results: how does trust impact our work as communications pros? (2022)

Strategic Communications: A 7-Point Checkup (2020) 

Key messages in action: strategies for implementing your key messages to tell your organization’s story (2022)

Crisis Communications

Winning Crisis Communication Strategies (2022)

Navigating the Phases of a Crisis from Pre-crisis to Recovery (2020)

Are You Digital Ready?  Scaling and Adopting Disaster Preparedness Using the California Wildfires.

Ethics & Communications Leadership

Ethics and Communications Leadership (2022)

Ethics & Communications Leadership (2020)

Digital Media

Reel Talk: How to Maximize Your Reach with Facebook and Instagram Reels (2023)

Navigating a New Generation of Media (2023)

Tik Tok on the Clock: Tips and Tricks to Get You from Beginner to Viral (2022)

Creating with Canva: Tips, Tricks and Tools to Elevate Your Agency’s Brand (2022)

Why Should Your Agency Be On TikTok? (2022)

Analyzing and Leveraging Social Media: What to Measure and Why (2021)

The Missing Link: Why LinkedIn Is Where Your Agency Needs to Be (2021)

Websites and ADA Compliance (2021)

Search Engine Optimization for Public Agencies (2020)

Storytelling is not a Unicorn: A Practical Approach to Creative Storytelling Using Graphics and Visuals (2021)

Improving Your Agency’s Storytelling with Artificial Intelligence (2020)

Advanced best practices for social media community management(2020)

Social media 411 with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (2020)

Tales from a Website Redesign (2019)

Measuring What Matters: Creating Your Social Media Dashboard Report (2020)


Driving Community Engagement with Photography (2021)


Mobile Video 4-1-1: Creating Engaging Content for Instagram, Facebook and TikTok (2022)

Virtual Events 101: How-to Tips, Tricks and Lessons Learned (2020)

Hosting Virtual Events: A Guide to Planning an Engaging Event (2020)


From Gobbledygook to the Mother Tongue: Making Gov Speak Understandable (2023)

Earn Your APR in 2023: Everything You Need to Know to Start Now! (2023)

Writing for Maximum Engagement – CAPIO (2022)

Storytelling: Telling Your Agency’s Story Across Multiple Platforms with Maximum Impact (2020)

Writing compelling content in plain language (2020)

Public Speaking

Media Relations

Building Positive Relationships with the Media to Accomplish Shared Goals (2021)

Community Relations & Engagement

Making Your Special Events Shine in 2024 (2024)

How to Give Your Government Agency a Facelift (2023)

Mastering Your Communications Career: Insights from CAPIO Paul B. Clark Lifetime Achievement Award Winners (2023)

Edelman’s 2023 Trust Barometer Results: How Communicators Can Navigate and Make Connections in a Polarized World (2023)

PIO + Community Engagement = How to Manage both Jobs? Learn the top two things to do first! (2023)

Lessons learned in the COVID trenches (2022)

Demystifying Communications Strategies for Diverse Communities (2022)

Sharing Your Agency’s Story About Important Water Infrastructure Projects and Programs (2021)

Successful Communications Partnerships with Subject Matter Experts (2021)

The 411 on Developing a successful Citizens’ Academy (2021)

Executing a Creative Outreach Campaign that Resonates (2021)

What’s Next: Trends in Outreach and Education (2021)

Collaborative Engagement: Adapting Your Engagement Approach Based on Lessons Learned from the Pandemic (2021)

Creating an Effective Utility Rate Change Outreach Strategy That Builds Customer Awareness and Confidence in the Rate-setting Process (2021)

Collaborative Engagement: Developing Multi-Agency Programs and Reaching Diverse Communities (2021)

Putting the LOL in Local Government (2020)

Communicating with Diverse Audiences: Developing Inclusive Outreach Practices (2020)

Multi-Cultural Communications How to Communicate with Diverse Audiences (2019)

10 Biggest Mistakes Government Makes in Engaging Residents (2019)

Advanced Track – Member Only Courses

CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Emotions: How Leaders Identify, Manage, and Learn From Them – CAPIO (2024)
CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Rethinking Strategies: Increase Leadership Capacity and Improve Communication (2023)
CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Rethinking Communication and Leadership with Emotional Intelligence and the Adversity Quotient (2023)
CAPIO Advanced Track-Climbing the Charts: Strategies for Building a Pitch Perfect Communications Office (2023)
CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Goal Setting for 2023: Strategies that Work (2022)
CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Communications 20/20: Past, Present and Future Planning (2022)
CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: USC Polarization Index: A Road Map for Public-sector Communicators and Leaders to Navigate Controversial Issues (2022)
CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Reimagining your agency’s website: practical tips and tools for a winning strategy (2022)
CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Advanced Strategies for Communicating During a Crisis (2021)
CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Navigating leadership and communications in the C-suite (2021)
CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Having Difficult Conversations and Building Trust (2021)
CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Building a Social Media Strategy that Creates Trust and Engagement (2021)

CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Managing, Mentoring and Motivating with Purpose (2021)

CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Being Your Agency’s Strategist: Advancing Into an Executive-level Communications Role (2021)

Tools and Resources

Mentorship Monday: Mentorship Mastery: Strategies, Success Stories, and CAPIO’s Path to Professional Growth (2024)
How to fall in love with local government communications again (2023)
Mentorship Monday: Switching Gears in Your Career (2023)
City Branding: Three Pathways to a New You (2022)
Mentorship Monday: Networking with authenticity and integrity: Winning ways to meaningfully connect post pandemic (2022)
Mentorship Monday: 7 Steps to Build Your Personal Brand (2022)
Mentorship Monday: Rising Through The Ranks: A Chat with Communication Leaders (2021)
Project Management for PR Pros (2021)

Legal Issues for Government Communicators—Copyright, Trademark and Records Retention Laws (2021)

Podcasting 101: How To Tips and Tricks to Get Your Agency’s Podcast Up and Running (2020)

Elevate Optimism and personal wellbeing workshop (2020)

Coping and Communicating with Compassion (2020)

What’s Your Brand? Personal Branding (2019)

Building a Better No Budget Survey (2020)

Internal Communication

Communicating Crucial Information with Internal Audiences (2021)

Future of Communications | Trends

CAPIO 2024 State of Communications (2024)

Unlock the Secrets of Successful Communication: Great Ideas to Try in 2024

CAPIO 2023 State of Communications (2023)

CAPIO 2022 State of Communications (2022)

CAPIO 2021 State of Communications (2021)

The 2020 edelman trust barometer results (2020)

CAPIO 2020 State of Communications (2020)


Additional webinars available for free to members in the members resource library.  (Log-in required to view.)


Mentorship Monday: Mentorship Mastery: Strategies, Success Stories, and CAPIO’s Path to Professional Growth
Free CAPIO Member Webinar

Dive into the game-changing mentorship world with our Mentorship Monday session, featuring mentoring industry expert Mary Ann Pearson, Ed.D., APR, and veteran communicator CL Lopez. During this session, you will uncover the profound benefits of mentorship across your career trajectory as they share data-driven strategies designed to elevate your mentoring journey.


CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Emotions: How Leaders Identify, Manage, and Learn From Them
Power Lunch Webinar

Knowing your leadership capacity to control your own emotions is a valuable skill.  And it can be disastrous if you do not recognize triggers and learn to manage them.  During this webinar, attendees will examine how emotions and logic work together in our brains through published work and anecdotal storytelling.  We will highlight a case study, review mental models, and reveal practical tips on how leaders identify trigger points, manage emotions, and learn how to harness their actions and reactions so they respond properly when the unexpected can get in the way of a normal


Making Your Special Events Shine in 2024
Power Lunch Webinar

Are you ready to take your agency’s special events to new heights in 2024? Join CAPIO for an engaging and candid panel discussion that promises to be a game-changer for executing events from concept to creation, ensuring every detail shines.

Our speakers will cover tips, tools, and insights on tackling large groundbreakings and ribbon cuttings, creating a State of the City event, and setting up the nation’s first-ever Swift City, honoring superstar Taylor Swift.

During this webinar, you will:


CAPIO 2024 State of Communications
Power Lunch Webinar

In 2024, public-agency communicators will continue to face new challenges and opportunities, constantly redefining strategies, priorities, and best practices to maintain effective communication and engagement with our communities.

During CAPIO’s 2024 State of Communications webinar, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about key issues shaping the California communication landscape. The webinar will feature insights from CAPIO President Lael Wageneck, MPA, APR, and CAPIO President-Elect/Treasurer Tom Christensen, highlighting CAPIO’s key focus areas for the year.


How to Give Your Government Agency a Facelift
Webinar Training

Government agencies are often stereotyped as organizations with a ton of red tape and impersonal bureaucrats, impacting both the public’s opinion as well as employee morale within these agencies.

Join public agency communication experts Sonja Dosti, APR, from Fresno County and Ally Soper, from Kern County, as they share the journey of transforming, humanizing, and streamlining their agencies’ brands to better raise awareness about services available to residents.


Winning Strategies for Developing a Public Outreach Campaign with Lasting Impact
Power Lunch Webinar

Are you passionate about creating positive, meaningful change and making a lasting impact in your community but unsure how to effectively engage with key audiences? If so, this workshop is tailor-made for you!

Join public-agency communication experts Brooke Federico, Melody Hendrickson and Amy McKenzie from the County of Riverside. They will share valuable insights and practical tips to develop a robust outreach campaign that delivers tangible results, using their award-winning Faces of Fentanyl campaign case study.

Key Takeaways:


Mastering Your Communications Career: Insights from CAPIO Paul B. Clark Lifetime Achievement Award Winners
Mentorship Monday

Are you interested in sharpening your communications skills and learning from the best in the field? Join us for CAPIO’s highly anticipated webinar, “Mastering Your Communications Career: Insights from CAPIO Paul B. Clark Lifetime Achievement Award Winners,” where we bring together a panel of accomplished public-sector communications experts who will share their invaluable knowledge and experience.


Reel Talk: How to Maximize Your Reach with Facebook and Instagram Reels 
Power Lunch Webinar

In 2020, Instagram announced the addition of Reels, but did you know that Facebook now has a Reels feature?

Facebook Reels have been around since 2021 and if you are looking to maximize your reach and grow your audience, then Facebook and Instagram Reels should be part of your social media strategy.  Reels are an important tool because they provide a unique opportunity to reach new and existing audiences on each platform, which allows for increased visibility and discoverability of your content.


Winning Crisis Communication Strategies
Power Lunch Webinar with ACWA

When a crisis hits your agency will you be prepared to respond transparently and effectively with your community, the media and internal audiences?

Join communications veterans Scott Summerfield, Betsy Lauppe Rhodes and Carrie Monteiro to learn how to navigate communications when a crisis strikes.

Key take-aways from this webinar include:

·  Planning for a crisis

·  Proactive crisis response and strategy for communicating with the C-suite and internal audiences


How to fall in love with local government communications again
Power Webinar

The Great Resignation. The Big Quit. The Great Reshuffle. Whatever you want to call it, people are FRIED. And communications professionals might be the crispiest of them all. After three years of what felt like constant crisis communications, we find ourselves working harder than ever. We’ve emerged (have we?) from a global pandemic only to find that community members seem to have gotten pricklier, Council members less patient, and coworkers have just up and left.


Mentorship Monday: Switching Gears in Your Career
Power Webinar

If you’re a public-sector communicator searching for your next challenge, you may be looking at options for a higher-level role at your agency or a similar organization. But maybe you’re looking for more flexibility or balance than a traditional PIO role offers. There are different options to find meaning and advancement. There are also lots of reasons government communicators seek change.

During this roundtable discussion, you’ll learn from four communicators who have successfully transitioned from PIOs to other roles.


PIO + Community Engagement = How to Manage both Jobs? Learn the top two things to do first!
Power Lunch Webinar

As a public-sector communicator you wear many hats. Oftentimes, you may find yourself leading an agency wide community engagement effort for a challenging project and program. Building trust and rapport with challenging internal and external audiences as well as making decisions in the face of adversity is crucial.

Join veteran community engagement and communications pro Kit Cole, founder of Kit Cole Consulting, as she shares key tips for leading effective, strategic community engagement efforts.

Key Takeaways:


CAPIO Advanced Track-Climbing the Charts: Strategies for Building a Pitch Perfect Communications Office
Webinar Training

As the chief communications professional, you are in charge of overseeing communications for your agency and possibly even building a communications division and team from the ground up. There will be new challenges and opportunities you face in this role as you work with internal and external audiences, oversee employees, measure success, and deal with sensitive and often controversial issues facing your agency.


Demystifying Communications Strategies for Diverse Communities

Incorporating diversity, equity and inclusion into your agency’s communications can often feel overwhelming and challenging. Join CAPIO and ACWA for this webinar that will break down the steps toward developing and executing more inclusive communications strategies for diverse communities.

Key take-aways from this webinar include:


CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Goal Setting for 2023: Strategies that Work
Power lunch webinar


As public sector communicators, it can often feel that work and life bleeds together and there is a long to-do list that is never complete. Putting out small daily fires at home and at the office can lead to a sense of overwhelm and also places larger personal and professional goals, like training for a marathon or earning your Accreditation in Public Relations, on the back burner.

During this not-to-miss webinar, you’ll learn practical strategies to set yourself up for success in 2023.

Key Takeaways:


Developing and Implementing Effective Communications Plans that Move the Needle
Webinar Training

A solid strategic communications plan provides value to your skills as a communications pro and can set your agency and department up for success through ensuring a road map that clearly defines goals, objectives, strategies and tactics. During this webinar, you’ll learn how to develop a measurable communications plan that will showcase value to your organization and the communities you serve.


CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Communications 20/20: Past, Present and Future Planning
Power lunch webinar


The field of communications is constantly evolving. How do we learn from the past as we prepare for the future?

Join veteran communications professionals Gabriela Dow and Rebecca McColloch Cole. They will share what they learned in their more than two decades working with hundreds of California public agencies media, tech/startups, politics, public affairs, and public/private partnerships. In addition, they will discuss what communications pros can anticipate for the next 20 years.


Tik Tok on the Clock: Tips and Tricks to Get You from Beginner to Viral
Power Lunch Webinar

TikTok has more than 1 billion monthly active users. This app has been downloaded over 200 million times in the United States alone. If your target audience includes anyone between the ages of 13 and 60, TikTok is where you need to be.

Sacramento Fire joined TikTok in April 2021. A year later, the account had close to 100,000 followers, making it the biggest social media platform for Sacramento Fire.


City Branding: Three Pathways to a New You
Power Lunch Webinar

Companies like Nike, Disney, Apple and McDonald’s became the successful empires they are today because of one key concept: branding. While they all provide very different services, their dominance comes from the consistent use of memorable logos, tag lines, color schemes and other branding elements. You may be asking: what does this have to do with government agencies? Cities communicate with residents every day and the well-being of the community depends on engaging the public effectively.