The Emergency Communications Academy will be June 17-18, 2025
held at the Marriott in Rancho Cordova and the CalOES
The academy draws communications professionals from across the
state for this unique, hands-on training academy for those
wanting to learn effective, cutting-edge risk and crisis
communication tactics and strategies using lessons learned from
real-world events. This is a multi-day academy with robust
training and presentations and hands-on experiences. This academy
is taught by public safety experts from federal, state and local
government agencies such as FEMA, Cal OES, CAL FIRE, and others.
It’s designed for public information professionals who understand
the basics of their job and want to expand their knowledge and
skills to handle the unique complexities of crises such as
natural and manmade disasters.
View Photos from our
2023 Academy
CAPIO and the California
Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) partner on
the Emergency Communications Academy.
Academy brought to you by