2020 CAPIO EPIC award winners announced
Let's make this summer #EPIC on social media!


Celebrating Excellence in Public Information and Communications

CAPIO is pleased to announce that the awards have begun arriving at offices around the state for the 2020 CAPIO Excellence in Public Information and Communications (EPIC) Awards.  

CAPIO received a record-breaking 275 entries for the 2020 EPIC awards cycle, which celebrates projects from the 2019 calendar year.

New this year, CAPIO’s judging bench included communications peers from the Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers (TAMIO). Categories were assigned multiple judges and scores were averaged. Our Texas colleagues shared that they were impressed with the quality of work our California communicators are doing and enjoyed the review process very much.

To make sure all of our winners receive the recognition deserved, awards have already been mailed and winners were invited to join us in our “Let’s Make July EPIC” social media campaign where CAPIO celebrated winners throughout the month. 

These celebrations will continue through the summer so watch our social media feeds on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram for #EPICselfies as our winners share photos of their awards, team members and winning work.

Visit CAPIO’s website for the full list of winners or download a list of our winners here 2020 EPIC Award Winners (PDF).

Are you a CAPIO award winner?
It is not too late to send us your #EPICselfies so we can share photos of your award, team members and winning work across CAPIO’s digital platforms.

Let’s hear it (virtual round of applause) for our 2020 EPIC award winners!

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