CAPIO Code of Ethics


The CAPIO Board of Directors has adopted a Code of Ethics for its members, developed from the codes of a number of prestigious organizations ranging from the International City Managers Association to the American Society of Journalists. It addresses the importance of dealing with the public and the media in a fair and appropriate manner and serves as a reminder that we should make each decision as if it was being viewed on national TV. 

  • I will be dedicated to the concepts and principles of democratic government. I will affirm the dignity and worth of public service and continually strive to maintain the public’s confidence by serving the public interest and putting the public trust before all else.
  • I will respect the public’s right to know the public’s business and will strive to create and maintain effective relationships with the media to foster those important communications.
  • I will adhere to the highest standards of honesty, accuracy and truth and will be accessible, knowledgeable and credible when speaking for my agency.
  • I will never knowingly disseminate false or misleading information and will act promptly to correct errors.
  • I will make every attempt to accommodate and educate members of the media by presenting information in a clear and concise fashion.
  • I will strive to be the best source of information for my agency and if I do not know the answer to a question, I will find it or find someone who does.
  • I will never speculate, guess or lie.
  • I will respect privileged information as it protects the public good.
  • I will seek no favor and believe that personal gain secured by knowledge of information is dishonest.
  • I will take the time to strengthen my individual capabilities, and to encourage lifetime learning and professional development for myself and others.
  • In the event of an emergency or other disaster, I will reasonably put the needs of my agency and the community it serves ahead of my personal concerns.