CSTI Pilot Media Relations Training Course
May 10-13 Virtual Training
The California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI), which is the CalOES training arm, is piloting a new virtual 16-hour Media Relations course on May 10-13 from 8am-noon. Course content will be similar to the current 32-hour Basic Public Information Officer course, but with a shortened schedule that focuses primarily on media relations. Students will receive a Certificate of Completion and the course will be extremely valuable to those who haven’t been able to participate in previous training.
The pilot is grant funded, so there is no charge to participants and is ideal for those who:
- Have 1-3 years of communications experience
- Haven’t taken the CSTI Basic Public Information Course within the past three years (course curriculum will be repetitive)
- Want an update on current public communication trends and practices, along with CSTI’s popular interview labs
Registration is extremely limited for this pilot, and the process is simple:
- Go to csti.org
- Create an account or login
- Go to the course calendar and find the Media Relations course
- Complete the supplemental info, indicating whether you’re with a public agency or an NGO
- That’s it!
For more information please visit csti.org