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PRSA International Conference (ICON)
CAPIO members receive a discount!

Don’t miss the largest single gathering in the public relations and communications industry!

This must-attend annual Conference provides PR, communications, and marketing professionals with unmatched networking and professional development. From inspiring keynote speakers to informative breakout sessions to countless opportunities to connect with your peers, ICON is the place to be!

Date: October 15-17, 2024
Location: Anaheim, California (Anaheim Marriott)


Media Training Your Leaders
Power Lunch Webinar

There comes a time when your leaders must speak to the press. For some of you, this may already be how your organizations operates. For others, you are the spokesperson, by choice or by mandate. But getting your leaders ready is always your job.

Understanding the Big Three Questions

1. Why They Should Speak
2. When They Should Speak
3. How They Should Speak

Key Take-Aways


Mastering Budget and Rate Communications: Proven Strategies Success
Power Lunch Webinar

As public-sector communicators, we are tasked with relaying complex budget and rate information to our communities in a clear, transparent, timely, and engaging manner. During this moderated webinar, seasoned public-sector pros will share practical, real-world insights, best practices, and replicable strategies to enhance your agency’s communication efforts, resulting in better engagement and increased trust with your community.

Key Topics Covered:


“Let’s Face It Together” — A case study on branding and marketing solutions to address mental health
Power Lunch Webinar

With daily headlines and warnings of a national youth mental health crisis, how can community leaders begin to address this daunting issue? Learn how the City of San Marcos and San Marcos Unified School District (SMUSD), aided by consultant JPW Communications, developed a robust mental health campaign and activated an innovative brand and marketing framework to address the pressing student mental health challenges in our community.


Making Your Special Events Shine in 2024
Power Lunch Webinar

Are you ready to take your agency’s special events to new heights in 2024? Join CAPIO for an engaging and candid panel discussion that promises to be a game-changer for executing events from concept to creation, ensuring every detail shines.

Our speakers will cover tips, tools, and insights on tackling large groundbreakings and ribbon cuttings, creating a State of the City event, and setting up the nation’s first-ever Swift City, honoring superstar Taylor Swift.

During this webinar, you will:


CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Rethinking Communication and Leadership with Emotional Intelligence and the Adversity Quotient
Power Lunch Webinar

During this CAPIO Advanced Track session, attendees will learn how emotional intelligence and adversity can increase team leadership capacity and productivity. In addition, the presenters will guide attendees through influencing multi-generational, diverse teams and motivating them to work together synergistically while understanding the value of collaboration in an inclusive, empathetic environment.


Mentorship Monday: Switching Gears in Your Career
February 6, 2023

If you’re a public-sector communicator searching for your next challenge, you may be looking at options for a higher-level role at your agency or a similar organization. But maybe you’re looking for more flexibility or balance than a traditional PIO role offers. There are different options to find meaning and advancement. There are also lots of reasons government communicators seek change.

During this roundtable discussion, you’ll learn from four communicators who have successfully transitioned from PIOs to other roles.


CAPIO 2023 State of Communications

Welcome to 2023 where public-sector communicators continue to balance ever-changing communications strategies, priorities and best practices as well as keep the lines of two-way communication open for the communities they serve.

During CAPIO’s 2023 State of Communications webinar, attendees will learn about key issues facing California communicators and learn about CAPIO’s areas of focus for 2023 from CAPIO’s President Erin Morales and CAPIO President-Elect/Treasurer Lael Wageneck, APR.


PIO + Community Engagement = How to Manage both Jobs? Learn the top two things to do first!
Power Lunch Webinar

As a public-sector communicator you wear many hats. Oftentimes, you may find yourself leading an agency wide community engagement effort for a challenging project and program. Building trust and rapport with challenging internal and external audiences as well as making decisions in the face of adversity is crucial.

Join veteran community engagement and communications pro Kit Cole, founder of Kit Cole Consulting, as she shares key tips for leading effective, strategic community engagement efforts.

Key Takeaways:


CAPIO Advanced Track-Climbing the Charts: Strategies for Building a Pitch Perfect Communications Office
Webinar Training

As the chief communications professional, you are in charge of overseeing communications for your agency and possibly even building a communications division and team from the ground up. There will be new challenges and opportunities you face in this role as you work with internal and external audiences, oversee employees, measure success, and deal with sensitive and often controversial issues facing your agency.


CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Goal Setting for 2023: Strategies that Work
Power lunch webinar


As public sector communicators, it can often feel that work and life bleeds together and there is a long to-do list that is never complete. Putting out small daily fires at home and at the office can lead to a sense of overwhelm and also places larger personal and professional goals, like training for a marathon or earning your Accreditation in Public Relations, on the back burner.

During this not-to-miss webinar, you’ll learn practical strategies to set yourself up for success in 2023.

Key Takeaways:


Creating a successful communications strategy starting with research

Research is an essential first step in creating an effective strategy that is data driven and shows results. It creates the foundation for our communications efforts, drives decision making and produces desired results.

Join CAPIO and ACWA for this webinar that will highlight how to conduct sound research and gather insights that will ensure your agency’s communications efforts stay on track and are able to adjust to change.  Presenters Margaret Mohr, Scott Rose and Adam Probolsky will share insights on best practices and review a case study featuring how research shaped the state’s 2022 Save our Water campaign.


Lessons learned in the COVID trenches
Power Lunch Webinar

Even in the best of times grabbing the attention of an audience with public sector communications is a challenge. Distilling complex policy information down to something that is both understandable and engaging is no mean feat. The COVID-19 pandemic took these challenges and supercharged them. Now that we are beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel what lessons can be learned from this year-long communications gauntlet and how can they be applied to public sector communications outside of times of crisis?


Writing for Maximum Engagement
Power Lunch Webinar

This webinar will provide everyone in your organization with the keys to unlock clear, accessible writing. Join the City of Carlsbad’s Communication & Engagement Director Kristina Ray and Staff Writer Tom Mallory for a master class in how to write effectively for government, from news releases, staff reports, web copy and more.

Key take-a-ways from this webinar include:


The 411 on Developing a successful Citizens’ Academy
Power Lunch Webinar

Agency citizens’ academies are a great opportunity to educate your community on important issues and projects, build and maintain positive relationships, position your agency as a trusted source of information, increase communications and inspire future community leaders.

From deciding on the duration of the program, materials, budget, schedule and logistics, there are many factors to consider before launching your program.


Driving Community Engagement with Photography
Power Lunch Webinar

A picture is worth a thousand words and using dynamic photos to tell your agency’s story plays a vital role in any communications, outreach or media relations effort.

Join Napa Valley Transportation Agency’s Communications Officer Robin Craig to learn how you can use photography to showcase your team and community to help share you agency’s story and build a more supportive and engaged community.

Key Takeaways:


CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Having Difficult Conversations and Building Trust
Power Lunch Webinar


If it’s early in your career, it’s not a matter of IF but WHEN you’ll have difficult conversation at work. And as veterans in the workforce, you’ve had to navigate these conversations as the come. While these conversations are never easy, learning how to tackle them head-on is one of the best ways to build trust with colleagues, team members and constituents as well as grow as a trusted leader.


CAPIO ADVANCED TRACK: Building a Social Media Strategy that Creates Trust and Engagement
Power Lunch Webinar


Effective communication and storytelling across a wide variety of platforms is key to any agency’s ability to inform the public in a timely manner, engage a growing digital community, and manage crisis. Social media is an ever changing landscape and the ability to stay current on trends, effective strategies, and communication tactics can help build trust and credibility with any online community.