Thinking About the APR? Take the Next Step!

Photo of Katie Combs Prichard

If you are even thinking about earning your Accreditation in Public Relations (APR), congratulations! You have already made progress toward becoming an APR. 

Contemplation is the second stage in behavior change, according to Prochaska and DiClemente’s model (Precontemplation — when you are not even thinking about change — is the first stage.) Contemplation can last a long time, even years. 

After contemplation comes preparation: You have decided to change but have not yet begun. Use this stage to take a few small steps to prepare for Accreditation.

Download the APR Study Guide

Take it further: Print it out.

Even further: Start reading it and use it to guide your PR practice. 

Bookmark this page with online resources .

Imagine yourself as an APR.

Find out if your employer will cover the cost of Accreditation. (CAPIO members can receive a $110 rebate upon passing the APR examination on the first try.)

Get your hands on a copy of Cutlip & Center’s “Effective Public Relations.”

Dust off the copy on your shelf, borrow a colleague’s or buy one. The go-to textbook will be a valuable resource as you prepare for the APR panel presentation and the examination. Used copies of the 11th edition are available online for as little as $15. 

After preparation comes the action stage, when you are actively working toward your goal. 

When you are ready for action, start using the resources you downloaded, bought and bookmarked. For your next steps, read this essay by Heather Cavanaugh, APR: “6 Effective Ways to Prepare for the Accreditation Examination.” 

CAPIO is one of only nine public relations organizations to offer its members the internationally recognized APR. We are here to support you on your APR journey!  Need more inspiration?  Read quotes from CAPIO members who have received their APR about why they pursued the desigation.  Learn more at

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