Debunking myths – getting your accreditation in public relations is well worth it!
Check out this quick read on common myths and truths about the benefits of pursuing your accreditation in Public Relations (APR). Help build your professional reputation and credibility within your agency and industry. More importantly, build skills that will ensure success with any challenge or policy decision you will have to communicate to your various stakeholders. The APR designation is the gold standard of achievement in the public relations and communications fields.
Just hear what Katherine Griffiths, a CAPIO member who recently completed her APR, says: “One of our core values at Tripepi Smith is to ‘Always Be Learning.’ I chose to focus on Accreditation in Public Relations to complement my existing strengths in writing, creative direction, and project management with deep exposure to public relations as a discipline and profession. This new understanding of public relations as a management function will help my team and my clients by elevating my capacity to think critically and plan strategically.”
We are all so proud of Katherine and are honored to recognize her for this outstanding achievement. For more information on APR, visit