Branding yourself is key
As public information and marketing professionals, we often are asked to wear many hats and juggle duties that can go beyond the role of a PIO. Managing community outreach events, public education, videos, talking points, website content and social media, building policymaker support, budget, and overall project management…the list goes on. We often play a critical role in shaping and strategizing key projects and initiatives in our organization to ensure it receives public and organizational support. However, public information job titles don’t always reflect the work we do, and potentially don’t garner the recognition we deserve as well.
Don’t forget the value of branding yourself, both in the big, wide professional world, but also internally at your organization! It’s more than just the occasional LinkedIn post, although that’s always a plus; it’s taking your skills and putting them to use for yourself and your work.
Branding yourself and making time to regularly showcase the work you and your team do is important. Don’t just assume your organization knows your value simply because they keep adding more projects to your plate. By sharing different accomplishments, highlighting any award-winning or successful projects, and even hosting marketing trainings for colleagues to get to know you and your team – you’ll be reminding staff of both the value and scope of what public information represents.